Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Vitamin Sea, part 3: Folegrandos and Ios

We are now in the smaller Cyclades, and enjoying these less-visited islands very much.  Kristien anchored us in another lovely bay, with a beach and a few small restaurants available on shore.

Our plan was to visit the chora (old town) up on top of a hill.  While the others opted to taxi up, Ellen and I decided to walk.  I'd found a trail on my backcountry map, and it looked like only about a one hour walk.  Of course that one hour didn't allow for setting off first on what turned out to be a goat-herder's path and then backtracking to get on the correct trail, nor did it allow for the hot walking on rock paths in the sun.  Still, the views of the island and the cliffs descending to the sea were wonderful.

Retreating down the goat path

Vitamin Sea at anchor (furthest one out in the bay)

The chora was very nice, with lots of cute shops and places to grab a cold drink.  High above the chora sits the Panagia church.

View from the Panagia

Next day we sailed to Ios.  The winds were really picking up so we had some exciting sailing.  You'll notice that Kristien is wearing her pfd.  Guess she didn't have confidence in our man overboard skills.

Dave and Dick on the beach at Ios

We hadn't realized how much of a young person's party island this is until we dinghied in to the beach.  Loud music, dancing, flashing disco lights: just our scene. Still, it was a lovely beach and we rented some nice shade chairs to use while we weren't in the water.   While the rest of the gang took a bus up the hill to explore the old town, Ellen and I stayed on the beach and swam.

When we dinghied back to the boat, were amazed by how much the wind and waves had picked up.  After a brief talk with Kristien, I called the others and suggested they grab some quick take out for dinner and hustle back so we could move to a more protected bay for the night.  It was gusting 35 knots when they returned and we pulled up the anchor.  We motored a short distance to the next bay over which was much more protected.  But we could still see the flashing lights and hear the base of the music from party central.

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