Sunday, May 26, 2024

On to Greece, exploring around Meteora

Friday we flew from Madrid to Athens.  Our accommodation there was the Varaba Country House, a lovely place set among grape vines and fig orchards near the airport.  Dave and Kathie arrived later that evening.

Next morning we returned to the airport to pick up a rental car, and set off toward Meteora, which is the site of many old monasteries perched on rock cliffs.  (You may have seen this in the Bond film "For Your Eyes Only.")   The monasteries were mostly built between the 13th and 14th centuries.

We arrived at the small village of Kastraki mid afternoon, had a meal of roasted pork and lamb, and then set off on the "Short loop" trail starting near our hotel.  It was very steep, and parts were also shared with mountain bikes (looked like a great trail to ride).

After about 1.5 miles Dave and Kathie turned around while Ellen and I continued the loop.  The trail circled around ridges and rock outcrops, and passed several monasteries.

Our trail map showed the route passing by the Holy Monastery of the Great Meteoron, but we were having trouble figuring out where it went next.  I found someone to ask in the parking lot, and confirmed that the trail descended steeply down stone steps the ravine below the monastery.  

Rain arrived but we eventually made it back to our hotel.  After a shower and hanging our wet clothes we headed back into the village for a light dinner.

Next day (Sunday) was another great one in Meteora.  After breakfast we drove up from town to see several of the monasteries.  The views from various pull-outs are magnificent.  

We stopped at the Great Meteoron to walk through and tour the site.  Women are not allowed in wearing pants, so they lent Ellen and Kathie wraps to wear as skirts.  Beautiful artwork everywhere at the monastery, including these paintings of Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Plato; the philosophers had equal billing with Catholic saints.

After a light lunch in town Dave, Ellen and Dan headed off on a hike to the Monk's prison.  It was a very steep and rugged trail through mostly forest, and the cave at the end wasn't much.  We could see carved out spots in the rock where (we surmise) timbers once rested to support floors.

We continued on another trail toward a nearby saddle, labeled Holy Spirit on the map, which was supposed to have a viewpoint.  What a treat.  After a rocky scramble up a very rough trail, we arrived at a flat spot with a small chapel cut into the rock.  A metal ladder took us up to the top of the rocks with a panoramic view of the valley below.

We descended another trail which brought us back to the village, where Kathie joined us for a celebratory beer.

1 comment:

  1. Great narrative and boss photos. I was there in 1972 and those monasteries blew my mind!


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